Programming techniques for the Commodore 64

There are many programming languages available for the Commodore 64. It remains a sort of mystery which of them were used in the reality. The good news that the amount of appropriate languages for creating professional looking software is low. Only C and Assembly can be recommended. Most software for high end UNIX workstations in … Continue reading Programming techniques for the Commodore 64

There was a time in which Windows was cool

The best way in understanding the current situation is to take a look back into the past. The most interesting time for the PC hardware and software was from 1987 to 1994. During this time, the PC has become the major platform for running video games and has replaced the former home computers which were … Continue reading There was a time in which Windows was cool

Algorithmen zur Bildersuche

Bis ungefähr zum Jahr 1990 (das Zeitalter der Good old fashion AI) hätte man Bildersuche als Problem der Künstlichen Intelligenz behandelt und es natürlich mit Hilfe von neuronalen Netzen gelöst. Die Idee damals war, dass man ein sehr gutes Mehrschicht-Perzeptron mit einem Lernalgorithmus koppeln müsste, diesem Perzeptron dann mehrere Bilder präsentiert, und dann dabei zuschaut … Continue reading Algorithmen zur Bildersuche